Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday night Agility Fun

Wow, something he gets excited about!

Rocket did another good job at class, was really distracted by his surroundings and his Auntie Leah and cousin Revy, but always gave me his attention back right away.  Score!

We worked on jump circles with Rhonda and she was really helpful.  I have this habit of talking waaayyyy too much, so I was learning how to not say anything unless he got off course.  He's really figured out that he needs to take the next thing in front of him and when I call his name that he looks at me for the next direction.

We took our first attempt at the teeter, and after 3 tries he figured out that he could go across FAST.  However, we were using tables so he didn't get to experience the full downhill angle - which is good, because he's still a little crappy about putting his feet where they need to go.  That's the unfortunate part with a big dog - his natural foot placement is generally wider than the boards he's walking on, so he gets nervous.

We'll continue to work on contacts and weaves!  Our next set of jump circles we'll be adding a 4th jump and varying the angles to make him think.

I'm liking the whole tracking and agility's nice to keep my mouth shut and let the dogs work!

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