Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Embellishment is what a bedazzler does.....

My dad's side of the family is naturally sarcastic, dry humored, and full of bullsh*t.  Growing up, I was exposed to all kinds of exaggerated tales and stories, gleefully shared for a family laugh.  Because of this, I can spot BS from a mile away.  Right now, I'm calling BS on a few things I've had the pleasure of reading or hearing about lately.

I get it.  I'm a competitive person.  I'm sure I've exaggerated my share of stories - after all, it's genetic in my family.  ;)  But what I don't get, and what I don't think I'll ever understand, are people that consistently change and embellish things, simply for attention.  I'm a pretty honest person, so I fail to grasp the point of out and out lying, just to sound "good" or "better."  What's the point?  Isn't lying harder than keeping to the "real" story?

Absolutely NO ONE is perfect. 

There are only two souls you really need to please on this planet - yours and your dogs.  If you aren't happy with yourself - make a change.  If you aren't happy with your dog - change yourself.  Your dog loves you for exactly who YOU are.  They don't give a rip about how awesome you sound.  They don't care how many ribbons you win, or how much experience you think you have.  They don't care what other people think of you.

All they care about is that you love them back.

Don't lie about your faults, shortcomings, and skills.  Don't lie about your dog and their abilities.  Don't lie about things you've done (or not done), or share others' experiences and knowledge as your own.  Stop caring about the opinions of people you don't love, and START being honest.  The only victims in this story are the dogs you share your life with - all because you thought lies made for a better story than the truth.  Spend more time with your dogs, and you'll learn how to be humble, honest, and happy.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the sarcasm and dry humor....many a friend has (in private!) asked my fiance if I was mad at them, when I just thought I was being funny!

    Good post! Our dogs teach us, we teach our dogs. If we listen, I think we're the ones who learn more, from them.
